Interviews… Are They Lying?

Every day professionals are tasked with taking statements, conducting interviews, or obtaining testimonies of individuals during the course of an investigation, insurance claim, court proceeding, or business transaction. How can you tell if the person that you are talking to is telling the truth? We have all heard of the “tells” associated with lying; lack […]
The Art Of The Canvass

As claims investigators, part of our job is to canvass in an attempt to uncover additional witnesses or more intelligence and to help us in the process of making a claims decision. When done properly, the canvass will speed up the claims process for the claimant. The canvass may reveal that further investigation of the […]
What To Expect From An Investigation

There are many things that you should expect from an investigation. Probably the most important of these expectations is discretion. The investigator should only share information regarding the case with those that are pertinent to the investigation itself. Investigator confidentiality is crucial, but in order for the investigation to be successful, the client must also […]