Hard Locate Process Server in Detroit

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When you need papers served to someone hard to locate, you have two options. You can have the sheriff’s department serve the papers or you can hire a private process server in Detroit Michigan. Especially with a person who is hard to locate in Detroit Michigan, ACS Investigations is your best choice.
If you have the sheriff’s department serve the papers, you may have a higher risk of not getting the papers served at all or having them not served in a timely manner. Yet with a private process server, there are also some things to consider.

Your process server should have the experience necessary to find hard-to-locate individuals and stay on a schedule to make sure that papers are served as quickly as possible. Look at their experience level and ask for their success rate. While success rates are rarely going to be 100 percent due to the nature of the business, a high success rate will be a good indication that they are good at what they do. Your process server should have some experience with serving different types of papers and have the knowledge of rules and regulations relating to process service. They should also be able to serve papers in a number of difficult situations and have experience finding people who do not want to be found. Experience counts for a lot when it comes to process service. Any private process server who claims they have served 100 percent of papers given to them is probably not being trustworthy.

There are a number of reasons that a process server might not be able to serve papers. Sometimes people just cannot be found, or they have left the state or country, making service nearly impossible. A high success rate is good, but a perfect success rate is probably being padded.

At ACS Investigations in Detroit, we specialize in hard to locate individuals.

When you do make a hiring decision and choose a private process server, give them as much information as you possibly can. Alternate addresses, places of employment, weekly schedules, descriptions of appearance, property, and vehicles, and other personal information can help process servers get papers served more quickly.If you are not able to locate the other party’s physical address, you may still be able to have the individual served with the necessary documents. For example, if you know his or her employer, you can have the party served at the employer’s address. Professional process servers commonly can serve a person at another address.

For an additional fee, they may investigate the individual and try to locate him or her at a certain time or place. Inform your process server if the other party is known to get a cappuccino at a certain coffee shop each morning or works out at the gym every day after work. This can help the process server pinpoint the individual’s location so that he or she can be prepared to serve him or her at a given location on a given date and time. Confer with your attorney to ensure that such process is allowed in your jurisdiction.

At ACS Investigations of Detroit Michigan, we have years of experiance in Priviate Investigations under our belt and are highly qualified for the job!

When you hire a private process server to serve papers in your case, you want to know that you are hiring someone who is trustworthy. Untrustworthy process servers engage in gutter serves and other practices that are illegal, against regulations, and can harm your case. Here are three signs that you are working with a trustworthy process server that will serve your papers quickly and accurately. A trustworthy process server is going to always be on the up and up. They will have excellent communication skills and keep you informed through every step of the process. They will also make sure that you know of any problems that arise as soon as they come up, and they will work with you to try to get your papers served, no matter how long it takes.

If you are looking for a fast, accurate, trustworthy and capable process server, contact us today @ (248) 363-1360 for more information or to get started.

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