5 Cybersecurity Threats in Detroit Michigan

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5 Common Cybersecurity Threats to Watch Out For

With the emerging growth of technology, there have been increases in cybersecurity threats. In fact, 68 percent of business leaders feel their assets are at a higher risk than ever before. According to Security Intelligence, the average cost in 2019 of a data breach was 3.92 million dollars. As these dangers continue to arise, here are five common cybersecurity threats to be aware of to keep your digital workspace secure.

1.) Malware
Malware is a cyberattack that infringes upon a software system, compromising its integrity to hold vital business files. These attacks can impact an entire network by blocking access, changing passwords, installing harmful software, and transmitting personal data into a hacker-controlled device. It is a malicious code that appears to be a legitimate file or link, typically found via email or websites. According to CSO Online, 92% of malware attacks originally derive from email.

2.) Phishing
Spear phishing, whale phishing, and other types of phishing attacks typically occur when email, text messages, or similar methods are used to gain unauthorized access to confidential personal or business information. Phishing attacks utilize a malicious link to manipulate the target into disclosing login credentials, bank or credit card information, or other sensitive data. This information then allows unauthorized purchases, bank transfers, or other damaging actions. Spear phishing emails appear to come from within the target’s own company, while whale phishing emails specifically target CEOs, CFOs, and other high-profile individuals within a particular company.

3.) Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
Denial-of-service attacks block users from permissions into a particular network, website, or another service. They attempt to overwhelm the target’s network, server, or system by fabricating high illegitimate site traffic levels. By forcing limited resources to be spread to many users, the attacker shuts down the network or server to block legitimate access to data. This type of cyber attack is typically widespread across an organization.

4.) DNS Tunneling
DNS tunneling attackers utilize DNS infrastructure to communicate the wrong type of information, such as HTTP protocol traffic. It is most commonly used to gain access to certain confidential data types and control the compromised infrastructure.

5.) Password Attack
Experienced hackers can decrypt even secure passwords. Various types of cracking programs, such as password sniffers and dictionary attacks, can decode passwords to gain access to confidential information digitally. These programs typically work by locating and recovering a password on your device. The program then uses an algorithm to make continuous guesses until it finds the correct password.

Use ACS Investigations to Safely Mitigate Cybersecurity Crime
To help businesses and individuals safeguard their assets, ACS Investigations offers cybersecurity services to minimize and prevent Internet crime. Our world-famous cybersecurity officers have helped companies of all sizes mitigate risks. No job is too big or small for the services team of cybersecurity in Detroit Michigan.

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